On Friday, February 7, we celebrated Samuel's first birthday. He has brought us so much joy and happiness. We are incredibly blessed to have him and praise the Lord for him everyday. Below are pictures of some of the things we did.
We got him a glow stick. We turned all of the lights off and he loved shaking it. |
I brought the tunnel from the Pre-School home for the weekend. |
Walking everywhere now!! |
Just a few of Samuel's many faces. |
I made him cupcakes and we sang to him. |
He doesn't really put food in his mouth but likes touching and mushing things. |
He liked licking the icing. |
Laughing at Daddy!! |
Licking the icing off of his wrist. |
Bath time to clean up. |
Opening a birthday package from Grandpa Kona. |
We did bubbles and a balloon. I was going to blow up more balloons but he seemed content with just one. |
Measuring him. |
Words can't express how thankful we are for this little boy. At 12 months old he is 24 1/2 pounds and 31 1/2 inches tall. He took his first steps the first week of December and has been toddling around every since. He's a big eater and loves everything we give him. He has his 2 front bottom teeth and the 2 front top teeth are coming in.