Just a quick update about some recent happenings in our lives- we recently visited with my family out in the midwest and it was a truly awesome time to get to see everyone before we leave for Japan. We will be going to the burg (Lynchburg) one last time to say our goodbyes and to have one last check up on stephanie and our new little one before we fly to Japan. We just got our last piece of luggage a few days ago and already have one bag packed and ready to go. We will continue to stage things and make last minute wal-mart runs until we leave. We have been told that an apartment has been spoken for on our behalf very close to where we will be ministering and that we will be able to move in on the 21st when we arrive in Shimonoseki. This is great news for us and we look forward to setting up a home that we can use to share Christ in.
Please pray for us:
That we will have no further complications with visa's or other paperwork
That we will have safe travel
That we will add more prayer partners before we leave
That we will add more financial partners before we leave
That above all we will be open to God's will for our lives
Pray for Tony and Marcia as she recently lost her mother.
Some recent praises:
God has added several people who have been willing to partner in prayer with us
We have had safe travel and a reliable car during our summer travels
Several children have already signed up for the weekend pre-school classes- (pray that even now God will be working and that those children and parents will be receptive to the gospel.)
Several more people have signed up for the conversational English classes that I will be teaching.
Shimonoseki Christ Bible Church recently had a mission trip group come and had good success in accomplishing the goals the trip had.
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